Publishers need just collect and settle-back. AdSense brings about 24% of its revenue, to Google’s coffers in about $13 billion annually. In accordance with its 4th quarter earnings report from January, Google earned $3.72 billion from the last months of FY2014 from advertisements posted on its network partners sites.

All added up, that’s a good deal of money. Until, of course, afoul of Googles Terms and Conditions runs. Google claims to try to ensure its advertisers that their ads will be displayed on family sites. Which comprises a prohibition on content that is violent, there is the company says is implemented across the board and a principle blind to circumstance. nnnYour website has content that you wouldn’t be comfortable viewing with members of the family around or at work, then it isn’t a suitable website for ads that are Google, based on Google’s guidance for Adult Content. But the family is as a few publishers suspect after brushes, a standard that can lead to content. Daniel McCarthy, editor of both The American Conservative, states that in January, Google AdSense requested that its commercials be removed from a January 2012 narrative featuring a comment by this writer that included an image of U.S. Soldiers urinating on Afghan corpses, and a photo of abuses that had happened at the Abu Ghraib jail throughout the Iraq War. nnnSince advertisements are displayed on our website based on an overall template, the only way we could meet Google’s demand was by eliminating AdSense from all our article pages, McCarthy explained, adding that still feature AdSense on our home page and blogs, for the time being. How much longer might depend on just how indiscriminately Google enforces its own rules. There’s each chilling effect here, McCarthy says, getting to their heart of journalists duty to report their news, including disturbing images that their public needs to find. A corporate gatekeeper that treats news as offensive or adult material risks stifling free speech. Advertisers have always been free to draw support from a news organization when they are humiliated by its own reporting, but Google is more than simply an advertiser: AdSense is your biggest Internet advertising network, and the simple reason its own the Internets largest ad network is due to Googles market power as a supplier of internet search engine along with other services integrated into most Americans web use, says McCarthy. So when Google imposes restrictions on what news organization may report, it’s not acting like a car manufacturer that withdraws advertising by 60 Minutes in retaliation for an expose.